A Well-Balanced Approach Allows STS Students to 'Do It All'
At Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School we understand that each student is an individual. We also believe that developing graduates who are capable of excelling in any field and fully enjoying all that life has to offer, means giving students the opportunity to pursue a wide range of interests and passions.
STS programming focuses on developing well-balanced students in an environment that emphasizes academic rigour, leadership, character development, self-expression, physical fitness, service and a global perspective.
While students at other schools are often faced with scheduling conflicts that force them to choose one activity stream or another, STS teachers in all disciplines work as a team to ensure students can attend practices, rehearsals and trips for a wide array of pursuits.
Student can travel to New York as part of Model United Nations delegation AND explore our natural environment on outdoor education trips. They can join the Environment Club AND compete in Speech and Debate. They can help to save turtles on a service trip in Costa Rica AND participate in a design competition. They can be a star athlete AND the lead in the annual school musical. The possibilities are endless.
Students benefit from this well-rounded approach which reinforces concepts and removes silos so that learning can be applied in multiple ways. This allows students to experience more personal growth and a stronger understanding of themselves, while giving them a broad range of skills that will benefit them throughout life. Most importantly – students are excited to go to school because they enjoy a wide-variety of engaging activities intended to enhance their love of learning, character development, and overall health and well-being.
No other school offers this unique opportunity to truly “do it all”.