Kite Making and Flying

Kite Making and Flying

By: Brian Uzick, Community Engagement Coordinator for the 50th Anniversary of STS

It was a fun day at Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School on Saturday, May 14 as the STS community gathered for the 50th Anniversary Kite Making and Kite Flying event.  There were 50 STS children, with their parents and grandparents creating and decorating kites in the beautiful gathering stairs space in the Rose Elementary School wing. Ms. Forgay and myself assisted the event. The children had a blast making the kites with their parents help. The event was facilitated by LOUD Art Society and its volunteers. At noon, we enjoyed a variety of pizzas and juice boxes in the Black Watch Bistro cafeteria.

In the afternoon, the group headed out onto the STS campus to fly their kites. Unfortunately, the wind decided to stop around noon with only a few gusts, but that didn't stop the children and parents who tried their hardest to get those kites to fly. Albeit many kites became airborne for a brief time. We still had fun, with smiles and laughter shared all around and lots of children going to the playground afterwards. There was a general consensus amongst the kite making and flying group that this was a great way to enjoy the campus and celebrate our 50th Anniversary.

We are looking forward to coming together again for the upcoming Big Birthday Bash on Saturday, June 4!