Diversity Week 2018
This past week our students have enjoyed a wide variety of activities celebrating the diversity within our school community.
Diversity week highlights:
Students were given rainbow wristbands to highlight all the diversity in our community
Classes visited the large world map in the Rotunda and placed pins on the map to indicate their family history.
To wrap up the week the entire school had a Diversity Week themed casual day where our students wore cultural clothing, their Diversity Week t-shirt or rainbow themed clothes!
Elementary students:
All students, during their library periods, read stories about diversity and inclusiveness.
A huge thanks to our supportive staff in the Black Watch Bistro for making rainbow cupcakes – they were a BIG hit with our students. These were served on the same day buffet of ethnic foods was offered to those middle/senior students who chose to sample treats from around the world.
The final event was a cultural fashion show during Friday’s assembly.
Middle and Senior High students:
Students had the opportunity, over several days, to make rainbow themed buttons, bracelets and cookies!
On Wednesday, POSTS, along with a number of generous parent volunteers provided a fabulous buffet lunch featuring a dizzying array of ethnic foods! Everyone who participated in this event walked away satisfied and more aware of some new delicacies! In addition, we raised close to $600 to donate to a charity supporting new Canadians.
Our Senior School students participated in a panel discussion, hosted by our GSA, where a number of alumni shared their experiences.
Students gave special thanks to Jyoti Ruparell and Tess McNaughton who co-chaired our student committee along with all the committee members for their valuable work.
Henry McArdle
Amanda Button
Alicia Yates
Josie Mills
Zasha Rabie
Abbey Stanick
Megan Evans
Lizzy Barron
Ganiyat Sadiq
Jacob Dowdall
Hannah Kermin-Milne
A huge thank you to POSTS for organizing, donating and serving the delicious variety of food for our ethnic lunch. Special thanks to the following contributors: Tracy Maybaum, Tanya Dandugula, Amy Meyer, Dina Chernoff, Cory Royal, Sloan Pipella-Clark '81, Carrie Hunley, Nicoleta Picioreanu, Bhavini Ruparell, Teresa Klotz, Shelley El Baroudi and Paola Hicks.