Investing in Our Future

Investing in Our Future

Is there a better place to invest your money than your grandchildren? There isn’t for Don and Sally Rae, who decided that as grandparents, now would be an opportune time to be involved in the education of their grandchildren through philanthropy. “We're not going to be here that long, and so why not support the institutions that provide an exceptional education to our grandchildren?” says Don.

Hence, their first experience at Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School began when their daughter, Susan, and her son, Anders, visited STS for the first time to determine if this would be the school of their dreams for him. From the first walk in the front door the staff and students were extraordinary in the way they treated the “new” family and the way they interacted with each other. It was a happy place.

The family also gets to witness Anders flourishing at STS. Now in Grade 8, his favourite subjects include science, social studies, and design, and he’s involved in several extracurricular activities including basketball, cross-country running, and debate club. “I feel comfortable that my grandson's going to a good school and obtaining a well-rounded education. And just the fact that he comes home happy and he goes to the school happy is really important. That would be the case with any of my grandkids,” says Don. Susan agrees that STS has been great for her son, “He has an awesome group of buddies. We have teachers that we absolutely love.”

Don’s admiration for the School and especially the teaching excellence has grown over the years since Anders joined in Grade 5, and through his giving he supports Head’s Initiatives, Outdoor Learning Projects, and Scholarships and Bursaries.

Don and Sally believe their philanthropy for their grandson’s schooling at STS is a worthwhile cause. Donating is a perfect opportunity for grandparents to support their grandchildren’s schools to ensure a sustainable future for the school and their grandchildren.

Don adds that he also donates because he’s a strong believer in the transformative power of education, “I think that's where society advances. With education, our kids and grandkids can have a better quality of life. And hopefully it can help them think critically, become wiser, and also more tolerant.”

“I think that's where society advances. With education, our kids and grandkids can have a better quality of life. And hopefully it can help them think critically, become wiser, and also more tolerant.”