Grade 6 Encore Maker Market
Encore is a co-curricular option that gives students agency in their learning. As part of the Elementary School Encore group, Grade 6 students chose to donate their own time and resources creating products for sale to our school community through a Maker Market. Embodying our vision, mission, and motto, the students brought awareness and support to four different causes through the sale of their products.
The causes chosen by this Encore group are as follows:
1) Dodginghorse Ranch: situated in the heart of Tsuut'ina Nation, Dodginghorse Ranch offers Indigenous and diversity awareness education, day camps and equine assisted learning. Money raised through the Maker Market will go towards supporting children to attend their summer youth leadership camps.
2) TeamSeas: by January 2022 TeamSeas aims to remove 30 million pounds of trash from our oceans. Currently, TeamSeas has removed almost 18 million pounds! Every dollar donated through the Maker Market is equal to one pound of trash removed.
3) Calgary Humane Society: a local organization that aims to help as many animals as they can by never turning an animal away. Animals that are exposed to abuse or that are abandoned are a focus. Donations from the Maker market will help change the life of an animal in need.
4) CCIS Alberta: redistributes financial donations to service providing organizations across Canada who are supporting Afghan families’ resettlement. There is no administrative fee, so 100% of the Maker Market donation will go to support the resettlement of Afghan families in Canada.
The students raised approximately $1,700 through their Maker Market initiative! Below, students share their experience through a question and answer format, about going through the process of creating the Maker Market.
Q: How did it start and why did you do it?
A: "Mini Market (or Maker Market) used to happen every year for Grade 5s, but last year, when we were in Grade 5, Mini Market didn’t happen because of COVID-19. Mysha and I wanted to do Mini Market really badly, so I wrote a petition and we went around asking for signatures during recess. When we were done, we gave it to Ms. Conway." - Mia H. '28
Q: What was your plan and who was involved?
A: "Our plan was to try to recreate mini market and follow the covid protocols. That made us do that online. We created a website to show off all of the amazing products that were made. Then the elementary students of STS sent in an envelope with money that showed what products they would like. Then they would give it to their homeroom teacher and the envelope would be picked up and given to Mr. Hoang who would then update it to a ledger that would be used to figure out how many products to make. This wouldn’t be possible without Janice Lacroix and Michael Hoang. They were a big part of making this whole process happen, if it weren’t for them Mini Market would never have happened." - Mysha S. '28
Q: What were your favourite parts of the process?
A: "We really liked making products, advertisements and collecting the orders, because we could see how many people wanted things from mini market. It was also fun working with new people!" - Yole U. '28
Q: What were the most challenging parts of the process?
A: "The most challenging part was making sure you have enough supplies. Another hard part was time management, because if you have other commitments, you have to balance your time wisely to make sure you’re not scrambling at the end." - Liv M. '28
Q: What did you learn from Maker Market Online?
A: "I learned how to market items and how to sell products. How you present your product and the advertising can help it be successful. Also, I learned a lot about how to make a website and I hope to keep selling products in the future." - Gabriel F. '28