STS Superheroes stand up to bullying
In recognition of National Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week, our students organized a number of events focused on bringing this important issue to the forefront, empowering all members of the STS community to play a role in building and reinforcing positive relationships and preventing bullying.
Our Prefects dressed as “Bystander Superheroes” and spent the noon hour recess each day this week inspiring our young Spartans to be kind to others; to step up when they see bullying and if they See Something, Say Something. Our superheroes also visited the Elementary School assembly to reinforce their message. In addition, to our superheroes, Mrs. Chapman has been using the novel, Wonder, and the picture book, I Walk with Vanessa, with our elementary students throughout the week. A number of Kindergarten, Grade 1 and 2 students gave a presentation to Middle and Senior School students emphasizing the importance of being nice to those around us by sharing compliments that students could tear-off of “Compliment Sheets” posted around the school. Middle School Students watched related video clips and had discussions during their Advisor period. Students driving were given “parking tickets” with messages reminding drivers to not be bullies behind the wheel! During our assemblies, students watched a video about the importance of supporting the victim of bullying and to offer friendship to the bully 0&oq=It+only+takes+one&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.25890j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UT F-8
Members of POSTS also joined in our campaign to promote positive relationships and handed out “Kindness Postcards” to students during lunch break. These cards shared positive messages and encouraged students to pay it forward! Parents, we encourage you to use this opportunity to talk to your children about their role in building positive relationships with their classmates. Go to with your child and watch their short video and complete the Bullying Quiz. Along with the website, this short but powerful video, appropriate for all ages, would be a good kick-off point for a family discussion - may want to help your child download the iWitness emoji and keyboard. The idea is that if someone sees online bullying they can use the iWitness emoji to tell the bully that they are watching and that being mean is NOT GOING TO BE ACCEPTED!
Let’s make EVERY week Bullying Awareness Week!