The Internet never forgets! - Paul Davis speaks to the STS community
On December 6, Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School hosted Paul Davis, nationally recognized expert on social media and online safety. With two sessions during the day, Paul spoke to our older Elementary School students and our Grades 7 to 10 students. Using the framework of Accountability and Responsibility, his powerful and engaging presentation went beyond standard topics such as Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and Cyberbullying to force our students to look at the digital trail they leave when accessing social media on their smartphones and computers. Our students were challenged to consider how standard practice may leave their private information vulnerable.
Later in the evening, Paul spoke to an enthusiastic gathering of parents eager to learn more about the increasingly complex online world our children experience. Paul shared many tips to help those in attendance to better support their children in this online world. All those who attended were very pleased with the tools and strategies shared, leaving them feeling a bit more empowered to keep their children safe.
If you were not able to join the presentation yesterday, ask your children the following questions:
- What is the difference between a digital footprint and a digital trail?
- What does Paul mean when he says, "The Internet never forgets"?
- Ask your child what he/she may do differently to protect their privacy?
- Why did Paul suggest that students do a Google search for pictures of themselves?
Here are a few suggestions to our parents about managing technology at home:
- Talk to your child and establish clear guidelines
- Establish a "handheld check-in" each evening when your children place their handheld devices in a pre-determined place until they are "checked out" again in the morning
- Disconnect your modem at night or purchase an app-enabled modem
- Consider using apps that will limit Internet access during certain hours of the day (night time)
- Check out and follow Paul Davis' Facebook page for updates and more tips: https://www.facebook.com/pauldavistips/