Supporting health and wellness during difficult times
It was quite an atypical year to say the least! STS worked hard to encourage student engagement and reduce feelings of isolation during several months of RAPID (Remote Alternate Program Instructional Delivery), due to the COVID-19 pandemic. From themed days like crazy hat day and bring-a-stuffed-animal-to-zoom, to our own version of the newscast 'Some Good News', students had opportunities to connect and have a good laugh.
Elementary (K-6):
- Ms. Chapman, our Elementary Schol Librarian, hosted read alouds about social and emotional skills and mindful breathing practices. She also curated collections of books for families to pick-up and read together, and recommended Library Padlet with links for easy access to resources.
- Music, Art, PE, and French teachers offered students optional live classes and videos to encourage movement and creative outlets throughout their school days.
- The Prefects made a weekly video for Elementary School students with a fun challenge, for example sending messages to recognize International Nurses Day.
- Specialist teachers and Learning Strategists provided 1:1 support for school work and extra long social connections.
Middle School (7-9):
- More than 80 inspirational messages were sent to the Heartland Senior Residence, to show our care and concern during physical distancing.
- Diversity Week virtual activities included language lessons, dance lessons, and a photo challenge.
- Optional essay contests attracted many entries.
- The Middle School Principal, Learning Strategist, and School Counsellor hosted regular online lunchtime get togethers.
- Student clubs continued, including groups who enjoy board games, books and creative writing.
- Bi-weekly student surveys and teacher meetings by grade helped inform continuous improvement during RAPID.
Senior School (10-12):
- Online school musical auditions attracted many students.
- The Diversity Committee organized a great Diversity Week with guest speakers and other activities.
- Weekly Spartan Talks series connected alumni to students and parents.
- Weekly Prefect production of STSSGN (Some Good News) engaged students of all ages!
- Weekly advisory (1 hour in MS/SS) helped build community with teachers, including cooking lessons, playing Pictionary, and filming pencil passing through Zoom.
- OE Club worked with students to build engagement.
- The Senior School Principal, Learning Strategist, and School Counsellor coordinated outreach to students and families.
- Bi-weekly student surveys and teacher meetings by grade helped inform continuous improvement during RAPID.