Registration is Open

In our continued effort to offer enhanced learning opportunities for students, we are excited to offer a number of Alberta Education senior high school courses during the 2025 summer. These courses are publicly open to ALL senior high school students entering Grades 10-12 in Alberta and will be taught by highly qualified, Alberta-certified teachers who are experienced in that course offering.

All on-site and hybrid STS Summer School courses will be hosted on campus, with the exception of full-time online offerings.

Registration is limited to 20 students per course and spaces will be filled on a first-come-first-serve basis. Students are expected to provide their own laptops as IT support isn't included in STS Summer School offerings.

Explore Our Course Offerings

Did you know that we offer citywide busing services? Learn more about STS Summer School by visiting the following resources.

Detailed course descriptions and supplementary information can be found within our NEW registration portal.

Questions? Please contact us by...

P | 403-604-1809

E |