Questions? Call Our Admissions Team: 403-938-8326

In 1971, a group of forward-thinking, courageous leaders and educators began to build a tiny school with big ideas.

Over the past 50 years, Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School has grown to become the gold standard of independent private education for students in Canada - and around the world. Our students enter the world prepared to make an impact, building a legacy that we know will continue far into the future.

Known for our gorgeous 220 acre country campus in Okotoks - just outside of Calgary, Alberta - and for our strong school community, STS is a CAIS accredited co-ed private school for Kindergarten to Grade 12 students. We develop well-balanced students for a life of purpose by inspiring excellence in scholarship, leadership, and character.

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Coffee Mornings

We’d love to see you at our next Coffee Morning!

These information sessions are an easy way for family and friends to learn more about our K-12 IB World School and hybrid learning options with STAND. Come meet our admissions team, tour our campus, and ask questions to help you make the best decision for your child’s education.

Coffee Mornings happen on select Fridays, from 9:30 am to 11:00 am.

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university acceptance
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of STS students participate in community service
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co-curricular activities offered
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acre country campus


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“I have never been happier to have my kids at STS than I am now. The contact with teachers, the expectations, and the feeling that my kids are not going to lose a lot of ground in their education makes me really appreciate this choice of school. I am really happy my kids are here.”

– Leeann F., STS parent

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“I'm so grateful for everything STS staff have delivered over the past few days! Each of my kids has clear tasks, projects, and timelines with specific instructions. All of which obviously follow from work they started while at school. All the online platforms are familiar to them so no big jump to get up to speed and no surprises in their lessons.”

- Stephana B.P. , STS parent

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“I have been surprised on how easily i have been able to navigate my way through the online resources and i have been able to work at my own pace which is really helpful.”

- STS student

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"Contacting teachers has never been easier, the Zoom chat feature is incredibly useful. Students also get much more sleep and have more time for self-care and their mental and physical health."

- STS student

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"I think that each teacher has clearly communicated what the expectations are for this week. I know what I have due each week and through this adjustment, they have been able to help support us even though we are not in the classroom."

- STS student

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“Having RAPID for our Grade 12 student has been a lifeline for her. Knowing she had to finish to graduate, she was keen to continue her studies. The School reacted so quickly and effectively. She picked up right where she left off and RAPID has been easy to navigate. She has had no problem getting all she needs; learning, connections, conversations, input, practice and even laughter. When I told her she had Good Friday off, she said, ‘why would I want a day off?’, because it fulfills her intellectual and social needs during this unprecedented time.”

- Tara B, STS parent

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"I think it's good that we have jumped on this quickly. Everyone is stressed --- even if the students don't think they are or don't grasp the magnitude of what is happening ---- putting some normalcy back into their life is good. They like the structured -- they like the connection."

- STS student

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“The sense of normalcy that the RAPID plan has enabled in my children’s academic lives has been invaluable. While the way their education is being delivered may be different, what they are learning really hasn’t changed. We appreciate that the RAPID plan very quickly set up a routine and a schedule they could follow that wasn’t that different from what they were used to. I think when the world around them has changed so dramatically, using programs they are used to was the best way to go.”

- Jennifer B., STS parent

Take the first step.

Tell us a little bit about your family and someone from our enrollment team will reach out soon.


Hear about the difference saying YES to STS made for these students. Where will your YES take you?

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