
STS benefits greatly from the talents and time of many dedicated volunteers.

Parents, alumni and indeed staff commit countless hours to our events, governance, alumni relations and sports – all with the aim of enhancing the STS experience for students and connecting with alumni. Our volunteer opportunities include: 

  • Alumni Relations - A hard working Alumni Executive reaches out to the thousands of alumni to engage them in class reunions, career mentoring and networking as well as School volunteering opportunities such as coaching, Career Day and Speech Day. 
  • Governance - STS is grateful for the leadership of members of our Board and Board committees who set the future direction of the School. Similarly, Directors of the STS Foundation ensure stability of STS for the long-term. 
  • POSTS (Parents’ Organization of Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School) - STS parents dedicate hundreds of hours each year to welcome new parents, operate Tweeds and More (our uniform consignment store) as well as the lost and found. POSTS also organizes our bi-annual fundraiser, Black Watch.

Make an Impact

Your gift – of any size – makes our STS even better.