Spartan Talk Webinar - Health Sciences
Thu May 14, 2020
10:10am - 11:10am
Online - Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School
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05/14/2020 10:10
05/14/2020 11:10
Spartan Talk Webinar - Health Sciences
Community, relationships, and connections are key values to maintain in this challenging landscape. We invite you to join us every Thursday in May, at 10:10 a.m., for one of our upcoming “Spartan Talk” webinars. The event is free. Top up your coffee, bring your own breakfast, and join us online to hear STS alumni share their stories about their journeys after STS, their careers, their fondest memories of STS, how they are managing during the COVID-19 pandemic, and advice for future generations. You will have opportunities to ask questions too.
This is an amazing opportunity for all of our STS community – students, alumni, parents, and employees – to come together and connect, share some pride and inspiration, and hopefully have a few laughs.
Spartan Talk webinar, Thursday, May 14, 10:10 – 11:10 a.m.
Focus area: Health Sciences
Dr. Jan Jaffer, Class of 1997, TREC Dental CEO, Calgary
Dr. Eve Purdy, Class of 2008, 5th year resident, Emergency
Medicine program at Queen's University, Kingston
Dr. Jaspreet Khangura, Class of 2003, ER physician in
Edmonton at the Royal Alexandra Hospital and Northeast
Community Health Centre
Stacy Finnbogason, Class of 1990, Pediatric Physiotherapist,
Calgary Board of Education