Diploma Programme (DP)
Senior School students choosing to participate in the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme take either the full Diploma Programme (DP) or select IB courses.
IB courses are two years in length and include material for both the IB and Alberta Education program of studies. All STS students and new students joining STS are eligible to consider placement in IB courses. Students consult with our DP Coordinator, University Counselor, and Senior School Principal when selecting courses.
Full Diploma candidates complete the following:
Six IB courses are taken across Grades 11 and 12
At least three courses at the Higher Level (HL) and remaining courses at the Standard Level (SL)
- HL (240 teaching hours); Similar, or equivalent to a first-year university course.
- SL (150 teaching hours); Similar in depth and breadth to the Alberta Education Grades 11 and 12 programs.
Theory of Knowledge (TOK) takes place in Grades 11 and 12. The majority of the direct instruction occurs in Grade 11 and two practice essays and the Internal Assessment are also completed in Grade 11. In Grade 12, students meet in weekly tutorials with the TOK instructor as they complete their TOK essay, which is due prior to the winter holiday break.
- TOK is central to the educational philosophy of the Diploma Programme.
- TOK is composed largely on questions. The most central of these questions is “How do we know?”
- Students become aware of the interpretative nature of knowledge, including personal and ideological biases.
- Designed to provide coherence by exploring the nature of knowledge across all disciplines.
- Encourages an appreciation of other cultural perspectives.
- TOK’s emphasis on quality of thought rather than “correct” vs. “incorrect” thinking
Extended Essay (EE)
- Offers the opportunity for an in-depth study on a topic of individual interest.
- Acquaints students with the independent research and writing skills expected at the post-secondary level.
- A prescribed limit of 4000 words.
- Students are supported throughout the research and writing by a teacher-supervisor.
Creativity, Action, Sevice (CAS)
CAS Requirements:
- A framework for experiential learning and reflection about that learning.
- Encourages students to be involved in community service work, artistic pursuits and sports.
- Students have an opportunity to develop self-confidence and empathy, and a willingness to help others.
- Students develop an awareness and appreciation of life outside of the academic arena)
Learn more about DP

IB Courses at STS
As an independent school in Alberta, STS requires all IB candidates to enroll in a core set of courses in order to complete the requirements for the Alberta Education Diploma. Students then choose the remaining courses to complete their timetable.
Graduates must contact IB directly to obtain transcripts.