Middle Years Programme (MYP)

The Middle Years Programme (MYP) forms the basis of curriculum delivery for Grades 7-10 at Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School.

IB Middle Years Programme DiagramThe Alberta Education curriculum is delivered through the MYP which provides a framework for students to see course content through real-life contexts as they are encouraged to ask questions, think critically, and work collaboratively.

The Middle Years Programme:

  • addresses students’ intellectual, social, emotional and physical well-being;
  • enables students to understand and manage the complexities of our world, and provides them with the skills and attitudes they need in order to take responsible action for the future;
  • ensures breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding through the study of eight subject areas;
  • requires the study of at least two languages to support students in understanding their own culture and that of others; and
  • provides the opportunity for students to undertake an independent project into an area of interest.

Learn more about MYP

Nicole Egli

Ms. Nicole Egli

MYP Coordinator
myp-programme-brochure.pdf [395 KB]
Last Changed: Jul 18, 2017 09:04pm