Bravo…..STS Advancement Team
We are pleased to also announce that two members (current and former staff member) of our Advancement team have been recognized by the Independent School Advancement Professional (ISAP) Board of Directors for their incredible impact on Advancement in the Independent School Sector.
Mrs. Brenda Thompson, Alumni Relations Manager—was awarded the 2020 McMillan-Edwards Award from ISAP Canada for Advancement Staff. The McMillan-Edwards award honours Advancement staff who have performed "beyond the call of duty" and whose skills and contributions to all areas of advancement endeavours have been pivotal to the success of their respective offices, and without whose support, success would be unimaginable. Brenda has been an integral member of the STS Advancement team for more than 10 years, and we thank her for her service to the Alumni Association and wider STS community.
Mrs. Dinnie Baker, former Executive Director of Advancement and Community Relations—was awarded the the Sam Heaman Award for her lifetime achievement and impact on Advancement in the Independent School Sector. The Sam Heaman Award honours advancement professionals who have provided outstanding service to ISAPC, the profession in the context of Canadian independent schools, and to their own school(s). This award attests to sustained proficiency in development activities during the recipients’ career in Canadian independent school(s), and to their exemplary level of leadership in and commitment to the profession and its enhancement in Canada. We congratulate Dinnie on behalf of our STS community. Thank you for all you did for STS and for your tireless service.