Our campus may be closed, but student learning still continues! Last week STS launched its RAPID (Remote Alternate Program Instructional Delivery) plan that focuses on continued teaching and learning online. Our faculty have invested many hours to offer continued student learning through online curriculum. While online learning does not replicate onsite learning, our teachers can deliver powerful instruction that allows students to meet expected standards.
STS' RAPID learning program offers exceptional educational opportunities through Asynchronous (a learning environment that does not require participants teachers and students to be online at the same time) and Synchronous (real-time engagement with their teachers and classmates at an established time to allow for interactions in real-time) opportunities. In this approach, students are able to stay connected with their teachers and fellow classmates while also being able to learn independently at his or her own pace.
Here are a few of our students engaging in their learning at home:

Olive U. '32
"I am proud to share this photo and video of my little kindergartener Olive working on one of her RAPID assignments. She loved the video from Ms. Babin and worked hard on creating her secret garden. The video made me kind of teary actually! The faculty are all working so hard to make this crazy situation ok for the kids - it's remarkable. I am so proud to be an STS parent!"
Heidi M. '27
"Schools may be closed but classes continue! Great job STS Administration, Teachers, and staff. Please pass on to those who worked so hard to see classes continue.
- Proud STS Parent"
Additional feedback from some of our Senior School students:
- "I think it’s great, very efficient. I’m happy of the steps STS has taken and it’s working well, it’s a great system"
- "Contacting teachers has never been easier, the Zoom chat feature is incredibly useful. Students also get much more sleep and have more time for self-care and their mental and physical health."
- "I think it's good that we have jumped on this quickly. Everyone is stressed --- even if the students don't think they are or don't grasp the magnitude of what is happening ---- putting some normalcy back into their life is good. They like the structured -- they like the connection"
- "I think that each teacher has clearly communicated what the expectations are for this week. I know what i have due each week and through this adjustment, they have been able to help support us even though we are not in the classroom."
- "Using zoom works amazingly, it feels just like we are actually in class."
We want to see how your kids are engaging in learning at home! Tag us on social media @StrathconaTweedsmuir or send your photos to communicationsandmarketing@sts.ab.ca