Innovation and Design

Global Scholar Diploma Certificates 2020

The Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School Global Scholar Diploma was born out a desire to encourage and recognize students in their growth as practical, contributing global citizens. Its goal is to challenge students to record and reflect on their actions and to continually expand their current boundaries of comfort and influence in order to positively impact the wider world around them.

Building a future with innovative minds - computational thinking with a purpose

Technology-integrated learning at Strathcona-Tweedsmuir (STS) focuses on the 5 C's: creativity, collaboration, communication, critical thinking and computational thinking. The STS curriculum teaches students to be digitally-literate through the introduction of the fifth 'C', computational thinking. STS recognizes that proper technology integration and education is about the design of the learning experiences that not only help students strengthen their digital abilities, but to also help students think critically about what tool best enables their learning in different situations. 

Grade 5 students apply the design cycle in real-life context with Mr. Hajee, STS parent

Computational thinking is a fundamental skill that is developed through the STS curriculum – a skill where students view the completed product and work backwards to fully understand the process leading to the finished product. As part of this skill, students must understand the five steps of the design cycle –ask questions, imagine, plan, create, and improve. These steps guide students as they design a solution to a problem.